Discover the ultimate streaming experience with the Peacock TV app. With Peacock, you can access a vast library of exclusive Originals, blockbuster movies, binge-worthy TV shows, live news, sports, and so much more—all in one convenient place. Whether you're in the mood for gripping dramas, laugh-out-loud comedies, or thrilling sports events, Peacock has something for everyone.
Get instant access to hundreds of movies from major Hollywood studios like Universal, DreamWorks Animation, and Focus Features. Dive into thousands of hours of TV series, including full seasons of beloved classics and buzzworthy favorites. With Peacock Channels, you can enjoy curated entertainment and news channels, including SNL Vault, Fallon Tonight, NBC Sports on Peacock, WWE, NBC News NOW, TODAY All Day, True Crime, and Dateline 24/7.
Upgrade to Peacock Premium for an even more immersive streaming experience. Stream new movies from theaters, exclusive premium TV shows like Yellowstone, Peacock Originals such as Dr. Death and The Traitors, live sports events including Premier League matches and PGA Tour events, and much more.
For the ultimate streaming experience, opt for Peacock Premium Plus. In addition to all the features of Peacock Premium, you'll enjoy an ad-free experience, the ability to stream your local NBC channel 24/7, and the option to download titles to your mobile device for offline viewing.
With up to six personal profiles, you can customize your viewing experience and keep track of your favorite shows and movies. Plus, with the option to stream on multiple devices simultaneously, everyone in the family can enjoy their favorite content without interruptions.
Download the Peacock TV app now and unlock a world of entertainment at your fingertips. Stream anytime, anywhere, and experience the future of streaming with Peacock TV.